Montserrat - Ceip Juncadella is 723 meters away, 10 min walk.

Major - Església Parroquial Sant Joan is 677 meters away, 9 min walk.Collbaix - Pau Casals is 85 meters away, 2 min walk.
The closest stations to Avinguda Del Torrent De Canigó are:

Xavier Martí participated as a speaker, and then took part in a round table discussion, on Hotels and Sustainability as part of the Architectural Visions Conference in La Salle.Ĭarlos Ferrater interview. “La luz es la encargada de poner en valor el espacio”Īs a member of the Advisory Board of the Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai, Núria Alaya participated in an institutional reception at Pedralbes Palace and in the subsequent festivities within the framework of the 8th Ibero-American Forum, an event led by the Ibero-American League of Organizations of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and Fundesplai.ĭebate ‘Old New Work: Audacious Conversations about Housing’ debate. Lucía Ferrater took part in the debate ‘Old New Work: Audacious Conversations about Housing’, along with Borja Martín, managing director of Salvetti & Llombart, Ferran Marsà, chief executive officer of La Llave de Oro, and Gracia Cardona, president of ADIFAD and founder-owner of DiarioDesign. The debate was organized by Monapart and chaired by Jose Luis Echebarria.Ĭarlos Ferrater lecture at the ETSAB. 17/04/17Ĭarlos Ferrater gave the lecture “Small in Size: The Realm of the Intimate,” organized by the Cátedra Blanca Barcelona at the ETSAB.īorja Ferrater lectured on “Landscape, Light and Materiality” as part of at the CCIB – Barcelona International Convention Center. Visit from students of the Ohio State University 14/03/17Īccompanied by the proffessors Jonathan Barnes y Allison Drda, Borja Ferrater gave a talk at the OAB Gallery to a group of Ohio State University students at the OAB Gallery. Un nuevo valor para una arquitectura en crisis. Presentation of the book FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES: EA774 at Cern. 06/03/17Ĭarlos Ferrater presented the book published by ACTAR about Building 774 at Cern, a project implemented by Francesco Soppelsa and Octavio Mestre. COAC conference hall.Īrchitecture congress at the COAC 24/10/16Ĭarlos Ferrater participated as a speaker on ‘The New Architecture Law and the Tools of the Architect’ during Synthesis Week at the 2016 Architecture Congress held in the Catalan Architectural Association (COAC).